Impressed – Touched「感動する」を英語で表現
ex) Were you as impressed by it as when you saw it the first time?
impress /ɪmˈprɛs/: to cause (someone) to feel admiration or interest
ex) I was particularly impressed by their enthusiasm.
ex) The story seemed to touch the hearts of the students.
その物語は 生徒たちの 心を揺さぶったようだ
touch /ˈtʌtʃ/ : to cause (someone) to feel an emotion (such as sympathy or gratitude)
ex) She wants to touch her audience through her music.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,570
□ be struck by 感銘を受ける、強い印象を受ける
ex) Visitors are always struck by the beauty of the landscape.
訪問者たちは、その風景の美しさに 感銘を受ける
be struck by /ˈstrʌk/ : to be very impressed by or pleased with
ex) When I am struck by the pristine beauty of nature, I totally lose myself.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,571
□ feel a lump in one’s throat(感動、喜び、悲しみで)胸がいっぱいになる
ex) The movie’s final scene left me with a lump in my throat.
映画の結末のシーンには 感動した
a lump in your throat /ˈlʌmp/: a tight feeling in your throat that you get when you are about to start crying or when you are trying not to cry
ex) I got a lump in my throat when I watched the film’s final scene.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,163
□ impassioned (心が揺れて)感動した、かっとなった
ex) His music is also sophisticated, complex and impassioned.
彼の音楽は 洗練されていて、複雑で、感動的だ
impassioned /ɪmˈpæʃənd/ : showing or feeling very strong emotions
ex) Her lawyer made an impassioned argument in her defense.
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Casual English Phrases – #1,572
□ It really got to me. (気持ちを揺さぶられ)感動した、うんざりした
ex) This question really got to me.
その質問に 感服した
got to … /ˈgɑːt/ : emotionally affected
ex) I watched a programme about people who volunteer with sick children and it really got to me.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #587
□ unctuous 感動したような、熱心ぶった、お世辞の
ex) He made an unctuous effort to appear religious to the voters.
彼は 投票者に対し 信心深いように見えるよう 熱心に振舞った
unctuous /ˈʌŋktʃəwəs/: used to describe someone who speaks and behaves in a way that is meant to seem friendly and polite but that is unpleasant because it is obviously not sincere
ex) He chastised me for unctuous behavior in public.
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Casual English Phrases – #1,573
□ blow out of the water 感動、感服させる
ex) That movie really blew me out of the water.
blow out of the water /ˈbloʊ/: to thoroughly impress, overwhelm, or excite one
ex) The show of support from everyone just blew me out of the water.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #185
□ blow out of the water (試合などで)相手を打ち負かす、圧勝する
ex) We really blew that team out of the water!
あのチームに 圧勝した
blow out of the water /ˈbloʊ/: to defeat an opponent overwhelmingly
ex) I planned to be productive today, but a sudden emergency blew that idea out of the water.
Impressed – Touched「感動する」に 関連する英語表現をチェックしよう!
