Light Bulbs -「電球・照明」 を英語で表現 – 熟語・スラング & 英語フレーズ 4,000

Light Bulbs -「電球・照明」 を英語で表現



light bulb 電球
ex) Even the best LED light bulbs will lightly warm up.
最高品質の LED電球でさえ、やや熱くなる

bulb /ˈbʌlb/: a device used to convert electricity into light, consisting of a source of illumination (e.g. an electric filament or one or more LEDs) enclosed within a transparent or translucent shell, typically having a rounded shape and designed to be fitted into a socket in a lamp.
ex) The bulb needs replacing.

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アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語 2,000 へ GO!

アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,324

has gone out    (電球・照明)切れる
ex) The light bulb has gone out. I need to buy a replacement bulb.
電球が切れたので、替わりの電球を買う 必要がある

go out /ˈgoʊ/: to stop shining or burning
ex) The candle went out.

□ burn out / be out (電球・照明)切れる燃え尽きる
ex) The light bulb has burned out. / The bulb is out.

burn out /ˈbɚn/: to stop burning
The campfire eventually burned out.
= The campfire eventually burned itself out.

light fixture 照明設備電灯
ex) Because they have no moving parts, light fixtures can last for decades.
照明設備は 可動部品を使わないので、何十年もの耐久性がある

light fixture: part of a light that is attached to the wall or ceiling where you put the light bulb or other lighting element
ex) Some light fixtures are faulty from the start.

rotary dimmer switch  ダイアル式調光スイッチ
ex) The rotary dimmer switch is used to adjust brightness.
ダイヤル式調光スイッチは 明るさを調整するのに 用いられる

rotary dimmer switch /ˈswɪtʃ/ : a device that allows a person to control the brightness of a light.
ex) Why is my rotary dimmer switch not giving full brightness?

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アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語 2,000 へ GO!

アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,955

service life  耐用年数
ex) Light bulbs don’t have a long service life.

service life /ˈsɚvəs/: a product’s total life in use from the point of sale to the point of discard
ex) LED lights are a great advantage to homeowners over earlier incandescents and CFLs due to their bright light, long service life.

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アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語 2,000 へ GO!

アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,956

recessed (電灯や 棚など) 壁や 天井に埋め込まれた
ex) The lamp is recessed into the wall.
電灯は 壁に埋め込まれている

recessed /ˈriːˌsɛst/: set back into a wall or ceiling
ex) Recessed lighting is a type of lighting fixture installed into the ceiling or wall.

unscrew  蓋を回して外すねじを抜く
ex) Twist the light bulb counterclockwise and the base will be unscrewed from the socket.
電球を 時計と逆回りにひねると、電球のベースが ソケットから 外れるでしょう

unscrew /ˌʌnˈskruː/: to loosen and remove (something) by turning it
ex) Carefully unscrew the lightbulb from the socket using gloves.


アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

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Casual English Phrases – #1,597

power outage 停電
ex) Extended power outages may impact the economy.
長時間の停電は 経済に影響を与えかねない

outage /ˈaʊtɪʤ/: a period of time when there is no electricity in a building or area
ex) The power outage left us in the dark for five hours.
= We did not have electrical power for five hours.

ex) We need to minimize our inconvenience during a power outage.
停電中の不便さを 最低限に抑えたい

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