Height Measurement – 「身長を測る・成長」 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集


キッズ英会話 例文集 – Height Measurement – 身長を測る を英語で表現

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English Phrases, Idioms and How they sound by MyPace English
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary

Height Measurement – 身長を測る を英語で表現

子供たちにとって 身長測定は 成長の記録を残す大切なイベント。 身長計測器の使い方や、背の高さに関する表現を 子供たちに 英語で教えてみよう!

take height measurements 身長を測る
ex) I take height measurements once a year.
年に一度 身長を測ります

height /ˈhaɪt/: a measurement of how tall a person or thing is
ex) Once you have your child’s height it is a good idea to keep a record of it.

measure one’s height 身長を測る
ex) Measure your height when you’re barefoot.
裸足の時に 身長を測って

measure /ˈmɛʒɚ/to find out the size, length, or amount of (something)
ex) I measured [=estimated] the distance with my eye.

flooring 床張り床板
ex) Take the height measurement on flooring.
床張りの場所で 身長を測って

cf) Don’t stand on a carpeted floor.
カーペット張りの 床に立たないで

flooring /ˈflorɪŋ/: material used for floors
ex) Tile flooring is water-resistant and durable when combined with backer board.

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

stand with feet flat 足の裏を 床にしっかりつける
ex) Stand with your feet together and flat.
両足を くっつけて、足の裏を床につけて

level 水平にする
ex) Level your shoulders and look straight ahead.

level /ˈlɛvəl/: to make (something) flat or level
ex) They will level the field.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,433

tape measure(長さを測るための)巻き尺 = measuring tape
ex) I want to measure my height without a tape measure.
巻き尺 無しで 身長を測りたい

tape measure /ˈmɛʒɚ/: a flexible ruler consisting of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fiber glass, or metal strip with linear-measurement markings
ex) Bring the tape measure all the way around your body, level with your belly button.

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mark the position ofの位置を示す
ex) Mark the position above the top of your head with a pencil.
頭のてっぺんの位置に 鉛筆で印をつけて

mark /ˈmɑɚk/: to make or leave a visible mark on (something)
ex) Be careful not to mark the floor with your shoes.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,432

gain height 身長が伸びる
ex) You have gained height.
(会わないうちに)随分 身長が伸びたね

height /ˈhaɪt/: a measurement of how tall a person or thing is
ex) You might be able to increase your height by about 1.3cm by stretching out your spine daily.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #901

stadiometer 身長計
ex) Using a digital stadiometer will yield a more accurate result.
デジタルの 身長計 を使う事で より正確に身長を測る事ができる

stadiometer (ˌstād-ē-ˈäm-ət-ər): a device for measuring height that typically consists of a vertical ruler with a sliding horizontal rod or paddle which is adjusted to rest on the top of the head
ex) A stadiometer is usually constructed out of a ruler and a sliding horizontal headpiece which is adjusted to rest on the top of the head.

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headpiece (身長測定用)頭に当てる器具
ex) Lower the headpiece until it touches the crown of the head.
頭のてっぺんに当たるまで ヘッドピースを下げて

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Advanced English Expressions – #820

plot (グラフなどを)描く
ex) Record and plot the height measurement on a growth chart.
成長記録チャートに 身長を 描いて、記録して

plot /ˈplɑːt/: to mark (something, such as a location or path) on a map, graph, chart, etc.
ex) They’ve plotted the locations where the trees will be planted.

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growth chart   成長の記録グラフ
ex) Growth charts are wonderful tools to assess how your child is growing compared to his or her peers of the same age.
成長の記録グラフは 同年代の子供と 我が子の成長を 比較・検証するのに 便利なツールです

growth /ˈgroʊθ/: the process of growing
ex) Doctors use growth charts to figure out whether kids’ height and weight measurements are normal.

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