Report Card- 「通信簿・通知表」 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集


キッズ英会話 例文集 – Assignment – Homework – 宿題 を英語で表現

安心の 自宅レッスン!

レベル:英語経験5年以上の 小学生
子供たちの 生活に密接な トピックスで 英会話 個人レッスンを進めよう! フリーカンバセーションに役立つ 語い、フレーズを掲載。 発音記号と、英英辞典の引用もあるので、日常英会話の学習にも役立ちます。

English Phrases, Idioms and How they sound by MyPace English
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary

Report Card- 通信簿・通知表 を英語で表現

通信簿(Report Card) や 成績(Student Performance) について、子供たちと英語で話して見よう!

report card 通信簿
ex) Report cards come home every nine weeks.
毎9週ごとに 通信簿が提供される

report card /rēˈpôrt kärd/: a teacher’s written assessment of a student’s work, progress, and conduct, sent home to a parent or guardian.
ex) The district constructed report cards that highlight each school’s efforts to provide their students with a complete education.

progress report  経過報告(書)
ex) The school communicates student achievement using the elementary progress report.
小学生用の 経過報告書を用いて 学校は 生徒の成績を 伝達する

progress /ˈprɑːgrəs/: the process of improving or developing something over a period of time
ex) She offered a progress report. = a report about how much work has been done on something

student performance   生徒の成績
ex) Evaluations of student performance are of two types: formal and informal.
生徒の成績の評価は 正式なものと、非正式なもの 2つの形式から成る

performance /pɚˈfoɚməns/ : how well someone or something functions, works, etc. : how well someone or something performs
ex) Emphasizing time for teacher collaboration and learning leads to improved student outcomes.

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Casual English Phrases – #772

grading system   成績評価方式
ex) Parents need to be more familiar with the grading system.
成績評価方式について 父兄も もっとよく知らなければならない

ex) Grading system tended to compare each student’s performance with her classmates.
成績評価方式により 生徒と そのクラスメートの 成績を比較することになりやすい

grading system /ˈgreɪd/: There are two basic grading systems in the U.S and those are the numerical and the letter grade.
ex) The decision on what grading system to use is a matter within the exclusive authority of the individual school.


Casual English Phrases – #331

□ make-up    追試験
ex) If you fail in make-up exams, you will have a chance to apply for revaluations.
追試験に不合格の場合、再評価テストに 申し込むことになる

makeup /ˈmeɪkˌʌp/: a special test for a student who has missed or failed a previous test
ex) He’ll have to pass the makeup to graduate.

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Casual English Phrases – #991

letter grade レター・グレード (A、B、Cなどの文字で表す方式)
ex) Many elementary schools don’t adopt letter grades any more.
多くの小学校で レター・グレードの使用を止めている

assign the grades    (A, B, C と)格付けする採点する
ex) He accused the teacher of showing favoritism in assigning grades.
教師の 採点に えこひいき があったと 非難した

letter grade /ˈgreɪd/: one of the letters A, B, C, D or F assigned as an evaluation
ex) Academic grading in the United States commonly takes on the form of five, six or seven letter grades.

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Casual English Phrases – #854

favoritism えこひいき
ex) Favoritism is something that all students are familiar with.
えこひいき は 生徒たちの間で 馴染みの行為である

favoritism /ˈfeɪvrəˌtɪzəm/: the unfair practice of treating some people better than others
ex) If a teacher has a favorite student, does that lead to blatant favoritism?

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Advanced English Expressions – #312

blatant わざとらしい、あからさまな
ex) How do you handle blatant teacher favoritism?
教師のあからさまな えいこひいきに どう対処しますか?

blatant /ˈbleɪtn̩t/: very obvious and offensive
ex) He showed a blatant disregard for the safety of other drivers.

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numerical score 数値による 採点
ex) We’re using a numerical score from 1-3.
1-3 の 数値による 採点法を使用している

numerical /nʊˈmerɪkəl/: of or relating to numbers or a system of numbers
ex) The files are organized according to a numerical system.

grade level 学力の学年水準(レベル)
ex) If your daughter is getting mostly 4’s, it means she’s working beyond grade level.
もし、あなたの娘の成績が 概ね4以上であれば、学年の学力水準を上回っている

grade level /ˈgreɪd/: grade level is the level of the educational program studied by a student
ex) The school district plans to eliminate traditional grade levels.

straight A student 成績がオールAの生徒優等生
ex) She had always been a straight-A student until she met him.
straight A student: getting the best results in all classes
ex) Back in the days, I was a straight D student.
Numerical Score 数値による 評価

1. Not Meeting Expectations 期待値に届かず
2. Approaching Expectations 期待値までもう少し
3. Meets Expectations 期待値と同等
4. Exceeds Expectations 期待値以上

Letter Grade 略字による評価

CS: Consistently Strong – 優秀
NI: Needs Improvement – 要努力
PW: Progressing Well – 良好
S: Satisfactory – 並み
V: Developing – 発展中
WI: Working On It – 発展中

Understanding – 理解度

1. Limited – 理解は限定的
2. Partial – 部分的に理解
3. General – 平均レベルで理解
4. Thorough – 全体的に理解している

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