英会話 例文集 for Moms > Blow Dry – 髪型・髪をセットする
ママのための ライフスタイル英会話 例文集
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Blow Dry – 髪型・髪をセットする を英語で表現
ex) A blow dryer will not damage hair if it is used in moderation.
適切に使用すれば ドライヤーが髪を痛めることはない
blow–dryer /ˈbloʊˌdrajɚ/: a handheld device that blows air and is used for drying hair
ex) She dried her hair with a blow-dryer.
ex) In general, you will only need a hair dryer with around 1400 watts.
一般的に 1,400ワット位のドライヤーで大丈夫です
ex) My hair dryer can go as high as 2000 watts.
私のドライヤーは 2,000ワットまで 使える
watt /ˈwɑːt/: a unit for measuring electrical power
ex) I need a 40-watt light bulb.
ex) Use your hair dryer on a medium heat to quickly reduce moisture.
髪の水分を減らすために ドライヤーを 中の温度で使う
medium /ˈmiːdijəm/: something that is the middle size when compared with things that are larger and smaller
ex) A medium temperature is best for fine to medium hair.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #444
□ dishelved (髪型、服装など)乱れた、だらしなくなった …
ex) The windy conditions caused her hair to become disheveled.
風の強い 天候が 彼女の髪形を 乱した
disheveled /dəˈSHevəld/: not neat or tidy
ex) His wrinkled suit gave him a disheveled appearance.
ex) Blow drying will make your hair feel smoother.
ブローすることによって 髪の毛が 滑らかな間食になる
ex) Short hair is easy to blow dry.
ショートヘアは ブローするのが簡単だ
blow–dry /ˈbloʊˌdraɪ/: dry and style (hair) with a handheld dryer.
ex) She washed and blow-dried her hair.
ex) Can I straighten my hair with a blow dryer?
straighten /ˈstreɪtn̩/: to make (something) straight or to become straight
ex) He straightened the bent antenna.
ex) This plastic concentrator nozzle is light and durable.
このプラスチック製の ドライヤーヘッドは 軽くて 丈夫だ
nozzle /ˈnɑːzəl/: a short tube that is put on the end of a hose or pipe to control the way a liquid or gas flows out
ex) A concentrator nozzle changes the flow of the air coming out of the blowdryer.

Paddle Brush
□ paddle brush パドルブラシ (ブラシ部分のサイズが大きく、空気穴のあるヘアブラシ)
ex) Use the paddle brush to detangle your hair.
髪のもつれを ほどくために パドルブラシを使って
paddle brush /ˈpædl̟/ : a large, flat and wide hair brush with an air-filled cushion and has plastic bristles
ex) Are paddle brushes good for thick hair?
ex) Squirt a small amount of hair mousse onto your palm.
少量のムースを 手のひらに噴出して
ex) Rub the hair mousse between your palms.
両方の手のひらの上で ムースをこすって
mousse /ˈmuːs/: a foamy substance that is used in styling a person’s hair
ex) Let me get a jar of styling/hair mousse.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #329
□ low-maintenance 手をかけない、手がかからない
ex) Let your stylist know if you’re low- or high-maintenance.
髪のセットに 時間をかける方か、かけない方か スタイリストに伝えて
low-maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns/ : requiring little work to keep in good condition
ex) Buying low-maintenance clothes might alleviate some of those extra care costs and save time.
ex) Dampen your hair with water in a spray bottle.
スプレーのボトルで 髪を湿らせて
dampen /ˈdæmpən/: to make (something) somewhat or slightly wet : to make (something) damp
ex) Dampen the spot with a wet cloth.
ex) Let your hair dry to the point where it becomes damp.
髪が湿った状態になるまで 濡れた髪をドライヤーで乾かして
damp /ˈdæmp/: somewhat or slightly wet
ex) My hair’s still damp from the rain.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #425
□ lackluster (髪や 目つきに)張り、活気がない、(演技など)活気がない、元気がない
ex) There are some common culprits to lackluster hair.
張りのない髪には いくつかの共通の 原因がある
lackluster /ˈlækˌlʌstɚ/ : lacking excitement or interest
ex) His writing can be lackluster [=uninspired] at times.
Casual English Phrases – #289
□ leave-in… そのままにして置く
ex) Spritz some leave-in conditioner all over your hair.
流さなくてよいコンディショナーを 髪の毛全体に噴出して
leave in: to allow something to remain within something else
ex) A good leave-in hair conditioner hydrates and detangles hair without weighing it down.
ex) Lift up a small section of your hair.
髪の小分けした部分を 持ち上げて
lift /ˈlɪft/: to move (something or someone) to a higher position : raise
ex) He lifted his foot from/off the gas pedal.
ex) Point the hairdryer close to the roots.
ドライヤーを 髪の根元の近くに 向けて
point /ˈpoɪnt/: to show someone where to look by moving your finger or an object held in your hand in a particular direction
ex) She pointed to me and asked me to stand up.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,007
□ burnish 磨く、艶を出す、光沢
ex) Her hair is closely cropped, and burnished orange.
彼女の髪は 入念に短く切られ、艶のある オレンジ色です
burnish /ˈbɚnɪʃ/ to make (something, such as metal or leather) smooth and shiny by rubbing it : polish — often used figuratively
ex) She started a publicity campaign to help burnish [=improve] her image/reputation.
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