Toothbrush – 「歯磨き・歯ブラシ」 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集


Toothbrush – 「歯磨き・歯ブラシ」 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集

レベル: 小学4年生
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English Phrases, Idioms and How they sound by MyPace English
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary

安心の 自宅レッスン!

1日2回の歯磨き習慣。 歯磨き粉と 歯ブラシをイメージして 英語で 子供たちに歯の磨き方を説明してもらおう!

soft-bristled 柔らかい素材の 歯ブラシ
ex) Brush your teeth twice each day with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
1日、2回、柔らかい素材の歯ブラシで 歯を磨いて

bristles (歯ブラシの)毛先毛の部分
ex) Point the bristles toward the gum line.
歯ブラシの毛先を 歯肉線の方へ向けて

ex) Choose a toothbrush with soft nylon bristles.
柔らかいナイロン製の毛先を持つ 歯ブラシを選んで

bristle /ˈbrɪsəl/: a short, stiff hair, fiber, etc.
ex) Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles that are made of a round-ended material.

wear out 摩耗する
ex) The bristles will wear out over time.
歯ブラシの毛先は 使用しているうちに摩耗する

wear out /ˈweɚ/: to become thinner, weaker, or no longer useful because of use or to cause (something) to become thinner, weaker, or no longer useful because of use
ex) The tires wore out after 60,000 miles.


アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,048

wear out  疲れさせる
ex) She was worn out [=exhausted] from exercising.
彼女は エクササイズで疲れていた

wear out /ˈweɚ/: to make (someone) tired
ex) All that work in the yard yesterday really wore me out.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #1,008

splay 外に広がる
ex) The bristles will start to splay and lose their shape.
歯ブラシの毛先は 外に広がり、元の形を失うでしょう

splay /ˈspleɪ/: to move (things, especially your legs, fingers, etc.) out and apart from each other
ex) She splayed her fingers to show off her manicure.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,279

store … upright … を立てて置く立てて保管する
ex) Store your toothbrush upright and uncovered.
歯ブラシは 毛先カバーをせず、立てて保管して

upright /ˈʌpˌraɪt/: positioned to be straight up
ex) The container should be kept upright to prevent leaks.

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Casual English Phrases – #231

clench one’s teeth 歯ぎしりをする = grind one’s teeth
ex) You may need to learn how to stop clenching teeth at night.
夜 歯ぎしりを止める方法を 知る必要がある

clench one’s teeth 歯を食いしばる
ex) She was angry and spoke quietly through clenched teeth.
彼女は 怒りの中 歯を食いしばり 静かに語った

clench /ˈklɛntʃ/: to set (something) in a tightly closed position
ex) He clenched his teeth and continued to look straight ahead.

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electric toothbrush 電動歯ブラシ
ex) The electric toothbrush might encourage you to spend more time on your teeth.
電動歯ブラシは 通常の歯磨きよりも 時間がかかるかも知れない

toothbrush /ˈtuːθˌbrʌʃ/: a brush for cleaning your teeth
ex) Too frequent brushing with your electric toothbrush can abrade enamel.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000

Advanced English Expressions – #218

ex) Some toothbrushes can damage the gums and abrade the teeth.
歯ブラシが 歯茎を傷めたり、歯をすり減らす事もある

abrade /əˈbreɪd/: to damage (something) by rubbing, grinding, or scraping
ex) Old people usually have abraded teeth with worn out contacts.

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replace 交換する
ex) Replace your toothbrush regularly.
歯ブラシは 定期的に交換して

replace /rɪˈpleɪs/: to be used instead of (something)
ex) Will computers ever completely replace books?


replacewith .. … .. に替える
ex) I like to replace the french fries with onion rings if I can.
フライドポテトを オニオンリングに替えて いただけますか?

replace /rɪˈpleɪs/: to put someone or something new in the place or position of (someone or something)
ex) I replaced the old rug with a new one.

fluoride フッ化素
ex) Try to use a toothpaste that contains fluoride.
フッ素入りの 歯磨き粉を選ぶようにして

fluoride /ˈfloɚˌaɪd/: a chemical that is sometimes added to drinking water and toothpaste to help keep teeth healthy
ex) Kids under age 6 should never use fluoride-containing mouth rinses.

squeeze 押し出す
ex) Squeeze only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto your toothbrush.
歯ブラシの上に ごく少量の歯磨き粉を押し出して

squeeze /ˈskwiːz/: to press together the parts and especially the opposite sides of (something)
ex) Squeeze the bottle/tube.

cavity 虫歯
ex) A good thooth brushing habit will protect the teeth against cavities.
正しい歯磨き習慣は 歯を虫歯から守る

cavity /ˈkævəti/: a hole formed in a tooth by decay
ex) I had two cavities filled at the dentist’s.

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morlar 奥歯(歯列の一番後方にある歯)
ex) Sweep inside surfaces of the upper and lower molars.

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Casual English Phrases – #593

fall out (歯などが)抜ける
ex) If you ignore cavities long enough, they will cause your teeth to fall out.
虫歯を長い間放置すると 歯が抜けてしまう

fall out /ˈfɑːl/: to stop being attached to the body
ex) The cancer treatments made her hair fall out.

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