Circle – Circumference – 「円の面積・円周率」 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集
レベル: 小学4年生
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English Phrases, Idioms and How they sound by MyPace English
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
コンパスを使った円の描き方や・円の面積の計算方法を 子供たちと英語で話してみましょう。
ex) She drew a circle around the correct answer.
彼女は 正解を マル印で囲った
circle /ˈsɚkəl/: a perfectly round shape : a line that is curved so that its ends meet and every point on the line is the same distance from the center
ex) How do you draw a circle with a ruler and a compass?
ex) What shape is a pair of compasses used to draw?
コンパスは どのような 図形を描くのに使いますか?
compass /ˈkʌmpəs/: a tool that consists of two pointed sticks joined at the top and that is used for measuring distances — often plural
ex) A compass is an instrument used to draw circles or the parts of circles called arcs.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,126
□ beyond the compass of … (専門分野など) … の範囲を超えて、… の範囲外に
ex) That topic falls beyond the compass [=beyond the scope] of my research.
その話題は 私の研究を超えた所にある
compass /ˈkʌmpəs/ : a specialized area of knowledge, skill, experience, etc.
ex) Your concerns lie beyond the narrow compass of this study.
ex) All points are the same distance from the center point.
central /ˈsɛntrəl/ : in the middle of something : located in the center of a thing or place
ex) Draw a curve that is “radius” away from a central point.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,112
□ locus (中心となる)場所、地点
ex) The locus of points equidistant from a point is a circle.
locus /ˈloʊkəs/: a central or main place where something happens or is found
ex) A circle represents the locus of points whose distance from a fixed point is a constant value.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,108
□ the area of a circle 円の面積
ex) The students learned how to calculate the area of circle.
生徒たちは 円の面積の計算法を学んだ
area /ˈerijə/: the amount of space inside a shape, surface, region, room, etc.
ex) What is the area of a circle with radius of 3m?
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #555
□ circumference ratio 円周率
ex) Pi is the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle.
パイは いかなる直系の円でも一定の 円周率で ある
circumference ratio /sɚˈkʌmfrəns/: The ratio of the diameter to the circumference is called pi, π.
ex) The ratio of circumference of circle to its diameter is the number π , commonly approximated as 3.14159.
□ circumference 円周
ex) The circumference is the distance once around the circle.
円周とは 円をぐるっと周った時の 距離(長さ)です
circumference /sɚˈkʌmfrəns/: the length of a line that goes around something or that makes a circle or other round shape
ex) What is the circumference of the Earth at the equator?
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ex) What is the diameter of the tree trunk?
その木の幹の直径は どれ位ですか?
ex) Diameter = 2 × Radius.
直径は 半径の2倍です
diameter /daɪˈæmətɚ/ : the distance through the center of something from one side to the other
ex) Dig a hole that’s two feet deep and three feet in diameter.

radius / diameter
□ radius 半径
ex) Measure the radius of the circle.
radius /ˈreɪdijəs/: a straight line from the center of a circle or sphere to any point on the outer edge
ex) How do I find cities within a certain radius?

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #681
□ quadrant 四分円、円の4分の1
ex) Place black olives evenly across the first quadrant of the round pizza.
最初の 4分の1の 円形ピザに ブラックオリーブを 均等の 乗せて
quadrant /ˈkwɑːdrənt/: one part of something that is evenly divided into four parts
ex) The town is located in the northwest quadrant of the state.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,127
□ sector (数学)扇型、部門
ex) I cut off pieces of cake in sector shape.
ケーキを 扇型に 切り分けた
sector /ˈsɛktɚ/ : an area in a circle that lies between two straight lines drawn from the center of the circle to the edge of the circle
ex) The pizza slice is called a sector.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,128
□ plane shape 平面図形
ex) The circle is a plane shape (two dimensional).
円は 平面図形です
plane shape /ˈpleɪn/: a closed, two-dimensional or flat figure.
ex) Plane shapes are what you would see in a drawing or a cartoon.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #553
□ the greatest common factor 最大公約数
ex) The greatest (biggest) factor that is common to (appears in all three lists of factors) of 4,12and 24 is 4.
4, 12, 24 の最大公約数は 4 である
the greatest common factor /ˈkɑːmən/: the highest number that divides exactly into two or more numbers
ex) What is the greatest common factor of 6 and 8?
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