Frog – Tadpole – 「カエル(蛙)・オタマジャクシの飼育」 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集
レベル: 小学5年生
子供たちの 生活に密接な トピックスで 英会話 個人レッスンを進めよう! フリーカンバセーションに役立つ 語い、フレーズを掲載。 発音記号と、英英辞典の引用もあるので、日常英会話の学習にも役立ちます。
English Phrases, Idioms and How they sound by MyPace English
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
カエル(蛙)の捕まえ方や、飼育の仕方を 子供たちと英語で話してみましょう。
A. “Frog” は 水辺で暮らす アマガエルなど を指します。 一方 “Toad” は 陸地に生息する ヒキガエル を表す英単語です。
□ frog カエル(蛙)
ex) Frogs make a low noise called a croak.
カエルは “クローク” と呼ばれる 低い鳴き声を出します
frog: a small animal that has smooth skin, lives in water and on land, has long powerful back legs with which it jumps from place to place, has no tail, and is usually greenish-brown in colour
ex) Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area?

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #716
□ amphibian 両生類
ex) Frogs are amphibians that are known for their croaking sounds.
カエルは ケロケロ鳴く ことで知られる 両生類である
amphibian /æmˈfɪbijən/: an animal (such as a frog or toad) that can live both on land and in water
ex) The spread of fungus is a major factor in the amphibian extinction crisis.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,292
□ croak (蛙やカラスが)鳴く、低い声を出す
ex) We could hear the frogs croaking by the pond.
池の横で カエルたちが鳴いているのが 聞こえる
croak /ˈkroʊk/: to make the deep, harsh sound that a frog makes
ex) Male frogs croak after it rains because they’re trying to attract a mate.
ex) You can expect tree frogs to jump approximately 1 foot forward and get a few inches height in their jump.
アマガエルは 30cm の跳躍距離、数センチの高さで 跳ねることができる
tree frog /ˈfrɑːg/: any of numerous small anuran amphibians (especially family Hylidae) that often live in trees and typically have adhesive disks on the toes
ex) Tree frogs lay eggs in clusters of 10-80 eggs typically attached to vegetation in shallow, still water.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #717
□ adhesive disc (蛙の手などの)吸盤
ex) Tree frogs posses enlarged adhesive disks on the tips of the fingers and toes that aid in climbing.
アマガエルは 大型の吸盤を手足に備え よじ登る時に役立つ
adhesive /ædˈhiːsɪv/: designed to stick to something
ex) Some amphibians such as the frog have adhesive pads on their toes to help with their locomotion.
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ex) How long does it take for tadpoles to mature?
オタマジャクシが成人になるには どの位の 時間が必要ですか?
tadpole /ˈtædˌpoʊl/: a small creature that becomes an adult frog or toad, that has a rounded body and a long tail, and that lives in water
ex) Tadpoles are herbivores, so while they were small we fed them baby spinach leaves.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #719
□ herbivore 草食動物
ex) There are no herbivorous amphibians.
herbivore /ˈhɚbəˌvoɚ/: an animal that only eats plants
ex) Immature tadpoles are exclusively herbivorous, eating mostly stems and leaves inside the water.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #720
□ omnivorous 雑食性の、(興味など)多岐に渡る
ex) Tadpoles can technically be classified as omnivorous.
ヒキガエルは 厳密に言えば 雑食性に分類される
omnivorous /ɑmˈnɪvərəs/: eating both plants and animals
ex) Turtles are omnivorous, eating both animal protein and vegetable matter.
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ex) Frogs undergo a temporary color change during their breeding season.
カエルは 産卵期に 一時的な変色を経験する
change /ˈtʃeɪnʤ/: to become different
ex) Chameleons have the ability to change color because they have special skin cells.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #922
□ predator 捕食動物、肉食動物
ex) One of the most common predators of frogs is birds.
最も一般的な カエルの捕食動物は 鳥類だ
predator /ˈprɛdətɚ/: an animal that lives by killing and eating other animals : an animal that preys on other animals
ex) Some frogs use camouflage as a means of hiding from their predators.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #721
□ terrestrial 地上の
ex) Tree frogs have both an aquatic and terrestrial lifestyle.
アマガエルは 水陸両用の 生活を送っている
terrestrial /təˈrɛstrijəl/: living or growing on land instead of in water or air
ex) Terrestrial frogs and toads spend most of their time on the ground.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,293
□ grow legs (オタマジャクシなど)足が生えてくる
ex) Here is a tadpole which has grown back legs.
後ろ足が生えてきた オタマジャクシです
grow /ˈgroʊ/: to become longer
ex) In this picture you can see the tadpole has started to grow hind legs.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,294
□ spawning season 産卵期、繁殖期 = breeding season
ex) Frogs can be seen hopping around the forest floor throughout the spawning season.
産卵期を通して カエルが飛び跳ねるの見かける
spawn /ˈspɑːn/: to produce or lay eggs in water — used of animals such as fish or frogs
ex) Frogs usually spawn in February or March.
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