Baseball - Grand Slam 「野球」 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集
レベル: 小学3年生
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野球の、対戦方法や ルールについて 子供たちと英語で話してみましょう。
ex) Baseball is predominantly big in North America.
野球は 北米圏で圧倒的な人気を持っている
baseball /ˈbeɪsˌbɑːl/: a game played on a large field by two teams of nine players who try to score runs by hitting a small ball with a bat and then running to each of the four bases without being put out
ex) He likes playing baseball.

アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語 2,000 へ GO!
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,563
□ tag out (ボールを人に)タッチしてアウトにする
ex) She was tagged out by the catcher.
彼女は キャッチャーによって タッチアウトとなった
tag /ˈtæg/: to cause (a base runner) to be out by touching him or her with the ball
ex) The rule states that the runner cannot be tagged out after overrunning first base as long as heimmediately returns to the base.
ex) The game lasts for 9 innings with each team alternating between batting and fielding in each inning.
alter /ˈɑːltɚ/ : to change (something)
ex) There is a fielding side and a batting side at each time with the two teams alternating during a period of play known as an inning.

アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語 2,000 へ GO!
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,564
□ the top and the bottom (野球の回) 表と裏
ex) Each inning can be broken down into the top, and the bottom.
各回は 表と裏に分けられる
top /ˈtɑːp/: the first half of an inning in baseball
ex) Each inning has a top half and a bottom half.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,565
□ grand slam 満塁ホームラン、全種目優勝
ex) A grand slam occurs when a batter hits a home run with men on first base, second base and third base.
満塁ホームランとは、満塁の時に バッターが打つ、ホームランのことである
grand slam /ˌɡran(d) ˈslam/: a home run that is hit with three runners on base
ex) A grand slam is a type of hit in baseball that scores four runs for the batting team in one play.
ex) The field is split into two sections: infield and outfield.
グランドは 内野と外野の2つに分けられる
infield /ˈɪnˌfiːld/: the part of a baseball field that includes the area within and around the three bases and home plate
ex) He threw the ball across the infield.
ex) The fielding team can collect the ball and throw it to the base the batter is running to.
守備側のチームは、球を取り、バッターが向かっている 塁に ボールを投げることができる
□ field (打球を)さばく、守備につける
ex) The shortstop fielded the ground ball.
遊撃手は ゴロをさばいた
field /ˈfiːld/ : to catch or stop and throw a ball
ex) The best thing you can do to improve your players’ ability to field ground balls is to remove their fear of the ball by using softer, safety balls.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,566
□ strike out 三振する、失敗(空振り)に終わる
ex) If you’re striking out over and over again on a dating app, it could be something you’re doing.
もし、 デートアプリで 失敗が続いているようであれば、あなたのやり方に 問題があるかも知れない
strike out /ˈstraɪk/: to cause (a batter) to be out by pitching three strikes
ex) The pitcher struck him out with a curve.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,611
□ dry swing 素振り
ex) This dry swing drill allows the hitter to see himself from a different angle.
この素振り練習により、打者は自分のフォームを異なる角度から 見ることができるようになる
dry wings /ˈdraɪ/ : full swings without a ball or pitcher or any bat contact
ex) In baseball training, dry swings with a heavy bat are generally used to increase bat speed.
ex) The batter stands at the home plate.
バッターは ホームベースの近くに立つ
home plate /ˈpleɪt/ : the base that a runner must touch in order to score
ex) The runner was tagged out at home plate.
ex) Once a batting order is picked, then it cannot be changed throughout the game.
打順は一度決めたら、ゲーム中に 変えることはできない
batting order /ˈoɚdɚ/: the sequence in which the members of the offense take their turns in batting against the pitcher
ex) The batting order is always determined by your talent and your coaching philosophy.
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