キッズ英会話情報集 > > Circus – Trapeze – 「サーカス」 を英語で表現
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子供たちの大好きな サーカスについて、英語で表現してみよう!
Circus – Trapeze – 「サーカス」を英語で表現 – Kids English
ex) He later added other (circus) acts, such as acrobats.
後に彼は アクロバットなど、他の出し物を付け加えた
circus act /ˈsɚkəs/ a performance typical of a circus, such as tightrope walking or fire eating
ex) Circus acts vary with each performer, but typically include all of the following acts and more.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,575
□ trapeze 空中ブランコ
ex) From clowns to trapeze artists there is something for all, especially children.
ピエロから 空中ブランコの曲芸師まで、万人、特に子供を惹きつける魅力がある
trapeze /træˈpiːz/: a short bar that is hung high above the ground by two ropes and that is held by circus performers who perform athletic tricks on it
ex) The clown is performing tricks on the trapeze.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,576
□ tumbler (宙返りをする)曲芸師、体操選手
ex) He continued to collect new acts with clowns, ropewalkers and tumblers complementing the equestrian entertainment.
彼は、綱渡りの人や、曲芸師などを集め続け、乗馬の見世物を 補足し続けた
tumbler /ˈtʌmblɚ/: a person who performs athletic movements that involve rolling or turning along the ground or through the air circus tumblers [=acrobats]
ex) The tumblers are a great way to get movement, energy and excitement into the evening’s performance.
ex) Solo acrobats are similar to the gymnastic floor performances you might see at the Olympics.
単独の曲芸師は、オリンピックで見る 床運動の体操選手の ようなものだ
acrobat /ˈækrəˌbæt/: someone who entertains people (as at a circus) by performing difficult and often dangerous acts
ex) An acrobat may perform many roles beyond that of a featured entertainer.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,577
□ unicycle 一輪車
ex) The unicycle is a fun and creative way to get exercise.
一輪車は エクササイズとして、楽しく 創造的でもある
unicycle /ˈjuːnɪˌsaɪkəl/: a vehicle that is similar to a bicycle but has only one wheel
ex) Many of them can tumble, juggle and fire-eat and at least one will be able to ride a unicycle.
ex) The clowns are the one of the most recognisable of circus acts.
ピエロは サーカスの曲芸の中でも 最も 目立つ存在の一人である
clown /ˈklaʊn/: someone who performs in a circus, who wears funny clothes and makeup, and who tries to make people
ex) Those big shoes make you look like a clown!
ex) Are all seals good at balancing balls on their nose?
全てのアシカが、鼻にボールを乗せる 曲芸ができるのですか?
balance /ˈbæləns/ : to make (something, such as a plate or your body) steady by keeping weight equal on all sides
ex) She learned to walk while balancing a book on her head.
ex) Our circus team is set to amaze audiences with his unforgettable hand balancing act.
私たちのサーカスチームは 観客を綱渡りで 驚かせる 準備ができている
balancing act /ˈbalənsiNG akt/ a performance in which someone entertains people by balancing in difficult positions, especially high above the ground, or by balancing objects in difficult positions; a person who performs this type of entertainment:
ex) The show employs contortionists, balancing acts, and aerialists.

アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語 2,000 へ GO!
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,574
□ balancing act (両立困難な状況で)バランスを取ること
ex) The government is performing a risky high-wire balancing act.
政府は 綱渡り的な バランス取りを 行なっている
balancing act /ˈbalənsiNG akt/: an action or activity that requires a delicate balance between different situations or requirements.
ex) It’s undoubtedly a hard balancing act.